Fig. 1: Astral Orrery No.7B-190, used to predict portal openings based on the alignment of the spheres in exotic matter solar systems.
The Bureau of Exploration possesses or seeks a number of critical objects. These are of vital importance to the Bureau’s mission.

The key to accessing all dimensions throughout all timelines. Theorized by classical mathematician-philosophers, recorded in ancient texts, and believed by the Bureau to be constructed in the future, the ÆGIS is the penultimate enigma. It is portrayed as far back as paleolithic cave paintings, yet to be constructed requires alchemical compounds which have yet to be invented. Whoever possesses it can travel to any universe at any time. It is one of the primary objectives of the Bureau to find the ÆGIS in order to better achieve our mission and secure it from outside influences. A project is currently underway to synthesize the ÆGIS in the Bureau’s own laboratories, and can be found here.

An ancient tome theorized to be the origins of the Bureau. Translated passages detail the esoteric-alchemical foundations of how to access foreign dimensions and travel the spaces between worlds. There is also a translated timeline of occult history, beginning at the origins of prehistoric culture and spanning 12 millennia into the future, and has proven accurate in observation by Bureau antiquarians. It is written in a cypher which shifts throughout the Codex, which is continuously studied by the finest cryptologists of the Bureau. Only one-third of the Codex is translated so far, and its contents are highly classified. It is stored in an undisclosed location in the Bureau Archival and Antiquarian Studies Library.

The chief means of navigation used by the Bureau. The AARA is an ancient artifact which has been greatly modified over time, with ever-more locations and subspace shortcuts being added. Only experts in cryptocartographic map calculation can read the map, charting the navigational paths through astral space which Bureau agents take to conduct fieldwork.