Fig. 1: One of the more inconspicuous Bureau architectures, Dream Monitoring Station No. 43.


The Bureau of Exploration maintains an extensive network of research laboratories, administrative buildings, field outposts and anomaly monitoring stations. Like the liminal spaces they study, they are easily forgotten or overlooked, tucked away in strange corners of urban sprawl and rural frontiers. There is a good chance that there is a Bureau station hidden someplace in your very own neighborhood. Here are some of the most notable Bureau Stations.

Fig. 2: Bureau Headquarters, a fine example of Mid-Century Cryptorationalist Art Pseudo-Deco Architecture.


Headquarters directs the Bureau as a whole, coordinating its vast number of departments (which we are presently aware exist) in a sweeping administrative ecosystem. It is home to the mysterious Administrators, as well as countless departmental heads, astral ambassadors, and field operatives. All Bureau directives originate at HQ.

There is much public speculation about the location of HQ. Some say it’s on a forgotten stretch of land between two U.S. states, claimed by neither and existing in a lawless liminal space over which the Bureau has dominion; others say it lies in an administrative labyrinth-city beneath Washington D.C.; yet others say that it lies on the very border between reality and unreality. All of these claims are false and should not be contemplated; this is your final warning.

Fig. 3-6: Interior photographs of Bureau Headquarters.

Fig. 7: The surface of the Archives, which much like the tip of an iceberg, represents less than 10% of the structure’s total volume.


Curated by the Division of Borgesian Library Sciences and the Antiquarian Archival Order, the Bureau Archives are the central repository of knowledge in the Bureau. Almost any kind of knowledge one could seek is filed away in the archives; however one is likely to die before being able to track it down.

Fig. 8: Observation station overlooking the Parparticle Accelerator Laboratory.


As largest research wing of the Bureau, the Institute of Esoteric Physics undertakes studies on the fundamental laws governing extraspatial dimensions. This is home to the Bureau Paraparticle Accelerator National Research Laboratory, where tears in the Escher-Crowley Spacetime Continuum are created and harnessed in order to send Bureau Astralnauts into extraspatial realms.


The world’s foremost authority on concrete, concrete structures, dreams involving concrete, and the exploration of the human ego and spirit in relation to surrounding urban cityscapes. This is their Command Center, yet an outpost exists in nearly ever major concrete tunnel system.